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Climate change near the bottom of public woes in the USA

Unknown | 4:51:00 PM | 0 comments

On March 12, Gallup published a short report titled ‘Climate Change Not a Top Worry in U.S’.  Results from the poll ‘puts climate change, along with the quality of the environment, near the bottom of a list of 15 issues Americans rated in Gallup's March 6-9 survey.’  And, ‘Thirty-one percent of Americans indicate that they worry "a great deal" about the quality of the environment this year, marking the lowest level of worry about the environment more broadly since Gallup began measuring this in 2001’.
This after the USA experiences its third coldest winter on record.  Still, rumour has it that the third coldest winter on record could be attributed to the warming of the polar ice cap.  Perhaps someone could take the initiative to see if warmer polar temperatures were evident in 1899 and 1979, the  other two coldest winters on record.  No wonder the American public is losing interest.  As for the low concern for the environment in general, could this reflect a hangover from the Great Climate Change Binge?  Now, there’s a negative impact of climate change rhetoric.
The short Gallup report can be found here:

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