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Guess Where I Actually Am

Unknown | 7:53:00 AM | 0 comments
Weights in a window.

 Butterflies in a room.

 An interesting collection waiting by the side of the road. (See the horse in the middle?)

 Someone keeps their hat on their stoop.

 Time to walk many dogs.

 Getting somewhere…


 Look closely for clues…

 Some clues are at your feet.

 Some are backwards

 and some are very, very tall.

 I ♥ New York.
These pictures were taken (in no particular order) in Greenwich Village, Soho, and Tribeca; inside the Butterfly Conservatory at the American Museum of Natural History; in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn; on the F train; at Lincoln Center, where occurred the BEST SWEENEY TODD EVER; someplace in midtown where I got a good view of the Empire State Building; and at the southern end of Central Park.
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