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Celebrating Climate Change

Unknown | 5:26:00 PM | 0 comments
It seems currently there are some real cases of climate determinism in, of all other places, the art world.

First there was
THE Film
 - remember 'An Inconvenient Truth'

Branching out we have:
Climate Change on Canvas

Viewing art
"Further evidence of important environmental information content in red-to-green ratios as depicted in paintings by great masters", by C. S. Zerefos, P. Tetsis et al. see here

Creating art
Where the artist is interested in 'showing the forces that are shaping change in nature and to do so, she works closely with scientists who are documenting and measuring our planet's environmental transformations.' The artist's  studio is described as ' a place where art and science live together and inform each other.' http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/local/the-pulse/65983-documenting-climate-change-through-art

At the Chemical Heritage Foundation in Philadelphia ,' artists  wrestle with how to represent the information of climate change, or what is more colloquially referred to as “global warming”. '

Performance art

'IMAGINE2020 are eleven European performing arts venues and festivals who support artistic work that explores causes and effects of climate change

'More than 3,000 performing arts professionals from two-dozen countries expected at annual performing artists conference this month in New York City, with climate change the focus in two sessions.'

Are you an ECO POET? Climate science needs YOU

UEA offers EcoPoetry

The ' brainchild of [a] senior scientist at the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia

And last but not least, a little less hi-brow, don't miss

The Music Video 


And in the end
As with an older religion, are we soon going to witness a growth in art that is ripe with  allegorical allusions of death and resurrection?  Will heretics (see the music video) be banished?   If my memory serves me well, at one time in the story of civilization, did not art precede science.  Do we perhaps sit on the precipe of a (another) meta-paradigm shift (once again)?

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